i saw a tolumnia orchid for the first time a few days ago. it was on our way out of our local nursery. at first i didn't believe my eyes, seeing such a tiny little orchid! they had 4, sitting at the check out counter. three or four days later i went back, after having researched the culture they require. the flowers were already very wilted. most were falling off. my question is this: how long do tolumnia flowers last from bloom to drop? was i just unfortunate to come across them just before wilting or do they not last very long?
because the flowers had faded i was able to get two half off. i can already see that one of them will be branching shortly.
i only have experience with phals and phaps, and then not much (in s/h). any advice from experienced tolumnia growers is much appreciated.
i know that tolumnia will not do s/h, but will they take to being planted in leca and watered regularly? they were in tiny one inch terra cotta pots when i bought them with tiny bark. i tweezed all of that off however, and rinsed the residue from the roots. so now they are sitting loosely in the tiny pots and those are hanging from my wire shelving that my other plants are on, getting diffused southern exposure.