The wrinkled foliage won't become "unwrinkled," but you should be able to get nice new fans once you've fixed the watering issue.
Tolumnia (pretty much the only orchid I grow!) really need to be drenched early each day, then allowed to dry out completely by nightfall. Sounds like you've got that well taken care of with your new watering schedule and air circulation. Until your plant has started putting up new growth / roots, I would move it out of direct sun and into just bright, less-direct light for now. That will sightly decrease it's dependence on high humidity while it recovers.
Your temperatures look good, but your humidity may be a tad low. Or maybe not. I find that how much humidity you need for tolumnia to thrive seems to be something you just need to discover on your own. Or maybe the plant adjusts over time to your individual environment. If you move it out of hard light, 50% - 70% should be fine.
Your plant isn't going to start a growth cycle until it's finished blooming. If it was me, I'd probably cut the existing spike to encourage the plant to start putting out new roots. If you don't want to do that, you should be able to maintain it through the end of its bloom. (All of this assumes that nothing bigger is wrong, like a scale infestation or a virus.)