Originally Posted by Gin
Oh MY  sounds like the water restrictions they had in So. Ca. long time ago, only worse . Think I would be buying large trash cans and getting all the free water I could .
I have 6 plus other 18 gal. containers filled with rain water not because we are restricted .. the water here is not good (liquid rock ) Gin
Yep, we're lucky that we do get to water the gardens at all but slowly and surely we want to remove water loving plants and replace with drought tolerant plants like Aussie natives, succulents, etc that don't need much water or attention.
We've actually had some real good rainfall over the last two days that would have been good to store and use for the orchids. We had a talk about water tanks at my local orchid club where the president said not to go for the 10% incentive offered by the government on purchasing new tanks.
Why? because he reckons as do others that at some point the government will start charging us for storing and using that rain water!!!
I think they already charge people with dams, because they are taking the water at a higher point and not letting it feed down the water system.
Some one even said there was talk of charging us for using our own greywater [water from showers/washing dishes etc] which would be ridiculous!!!!