Hey Faz. I have a couple of these Dgmra (Brs x Milt x Odm) and I am treating them like warm growing Milt.
1800-2000 ft candles (maybe a little more now that no leaves on the trees outside the GH and I also have them under T8 lights during the day, Intermediate temperature, and regular watering in my semi-hydro setup. The one thing I did notice is that they do NOT like to have cold water sprinkled on the leaves so I can't put them under any mounted plants otherwise when I sprinkle the mounts in the am, I get black speckles on their leaves.

The temps in my GH are holding steady 60-62 at night and 65 day right now as it is fall and I'm not using the heater during the day.
Mine are Winter Wonderland 'White Fairy' if I remember correctly.
Here is a good link to some information that I used when setting mine up.
Orchid of the Week Library: Degarmoara Winter Wonderland 'White Fairy'
Mine bloomed right away early summer so we'll see if I can get them to bloom again. Good luck.