Sheridan, I think they are looking sort of pale because they are getting plenty of light. I don't know if there could be other causes, like shortage of nutrients.
I notice salts on the outer side of your pot. When did you repot these for the last time? These salts can be killers for the roots. I also see a dark brown tip on a leaf which could be from too much salts in the medium. That tip is very dark compared to the lighter brown burned leaves.
I've 7 plants from the oncidium alliance myself but never seen a bulb getting brown. When the roots of an older bulb die the bulb just shrivles but remains a darker green. Are the brown bulbs still firm or do they feel squishy?
I'm by no means an expert on this, but I think it's time to unpot, check the roots, clean these up and give the plant a fresh medium.
I hope other will have some good advise for you, but unpotting/repotting is something that should be done anyway, IMHO.
And, if you repot, choose a pot that is fairly small for it's rootmass. These plants like their roots to be snug in a pot.
Do you have other Oncidiums and if so, do they look better than this one?