Thanks for you answers everybody, they make me feel more relaxed :-)
I'm a new orchid mamma, learning every day (and enjoying it every day!) I try to give the plants the best care I can and your info helps me with that.
After heaving read your comments I decided I'm going to wait (and see) how the new growth's stay (or not) in the pot. I really like the idea of adjusting the height of the pot on one side. If I do this in the future, I'll make a picture from it. Maybe nice for others to see if it's possible to guide roots in the pot instead of out of the pot. I didn't know when to expect roots on new growth's, thanks Ross for giving me an indication. For now they grow happily and even showing some 'happy juice'.
@Ross: the plants are in colored plastic pots, so I can't see the medium in the middle of the pot, but when I use a skewer to remove a bit of the mix or when I look thru the bottom wholes the medium and roots just look fine, at least from the Sweet Sugar's. I'm not quite sure about the medium and root condition from Ms. Wildcat and I might repot this plant as I prefer a more open medium than what it lives in now. On the other hand I've seen nothing that indicates root rot or a medium that had decayed too much. Once I see active root growth I might decide to repot... still not sure yet. I guess I have to 'dig' in the pot to make a wise decision. It's pretty root bound but I guess it could grow another season in it's pot. I'll lift it out of the pot next watering to check the roots, if I can get it out that easily LOL.
As you I like large plants too. Too funny you mention those waterlily baskets! I wanted to buy this kind of baskets for my Phal's as I found out the the medium dries out faster with extra wholes I made (with a drill) in the clear plastic pots they came in. At least I see less water droplets on the inside of the pots that have the extra wholes on the sides. In my climate they would benefit from the extra air, pond baskets provide, I guess. It would mean more frequent waterings but I prefer that over having to worry about rot.
Nicole (aka Blueszz)