That is a beautiful flower. The leaves look OK on the other picture. I was also wondering how new growth, whatever stage it is now looks and how it is progressing. I find that the condition of new growth is often the best indication which way things are going. With the majority of orchids we grow it is also the best guide to when to transplant using any method.
A lot of my plants that later adjusted very well took a very long time to get used to my conditions. Most of these novelty oncidiums are mass produced in places like Taiwan, grown too fast and forced to bloom too early. To speed things up they are provided very specific conditions for each phase of development that we can not duplicate in the house. So unless you bought from a grower who grows for people interested in keeping their plant even after the pretty centerpiece fades, your plant may have to make a major shift in the way its genetic programs are expressed to cope with a new environment the likes of which it has never seen before. At best- all this takes time.
This is the info sheet for growers I found on the Tolkien clone from the people at Orchidworks who had produced a lot of these seedlings and plugs and sold wholesale to other growers.
Temperature 55 - 85 Degrees Farenheit
Humidity 50% - 80%
Light 2000 - 3000 foot candles
To get info on other plants:
The Orchid Works
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