Thanks so much for all this info. Yes, you've helped tremendously!

. Those roots are beautiful!!!
Actually, I've got 2 somewhat similar and both have had setbacks.
One is a Bllra. Patricia McCully 'Pacific Matriarch' (first pic). I repotted it into Hydroton last summer. Thought because my Catts do so well in it that this one would too. No dice. It bloomed last year, not this year.

I just did a re-pot and it's back in bark. Have only been watering once a week, average.
The other is a Miltassia Shelob (second pic) that, for the life of me, can't figure out why so many leaves have turned yellow. It flowered again, this season. This grew a massive amount of roots and also uncovered, thousands of these teeny little white bugs. I cleaned it up, removed old bulbs and repotted back into bark. Also, watering about once a week.
I might try watering more often like you do, until the weather starts dramatically changing (around December, here) and see if this helps. I've been doing fertilizers all year and will probably continue on this course.
I'll be one happy camper if I can get the results you've gotten! Thanks again for all you've passed along. Much appreciated, Helen.