Hi Camille, I had to do a little searching but I have a couple pictures (not very good). I have 5 different orchid on the same tree. In the first picture on the left side there is a Bc. Patrica DuQuesnay(B. grandiflora x C. Jungle Whimsy) next to it is a C. Skinerii var amallie x self next to that one is a NOID Oncidium (basic looking yellow flower you see in garden centers) then the Wild cat. Second picture shows flowers of the Noid Onc. The fifth plant is Schomburgkia Tibicinis that I don't have a picture of yet it is about 2ft. above the others.
I don't understand how anyone would want to live in an area that doesn't have an extremely defined winter season! ,
If you aren't snowbound in the dead of winter, then what keeps you indoors to do the housework? :
What do you do with all your free time????
You can only mount so many orchids, you know! Palm Trees....Bah, humbug.
Ross, Al, and I know where to live! Right guys?????
By the way, nice blooms!!!!!
Dave they all look really happy!!!! Love the Onc. Wildcat; it's on my wanted list; just haven't seen one in a couple of weeks. I don't have any orchids mounted on trees just yet but a friend of mine does and they look gorgeous.
Thanks, I should've asked before. Do you water them all the same, since they are diff. types/genus?
lately with all the rain I haven't water but yes if it hasn't rain in a few days I water all at the same time. I have 2 lizards living in the roots. they do a little fertilizing and bug control.
Dave they all look really happy!!!! Love the Onc. Wildcat; it's on my wanted list; just haven't seen one in a couple of weeks. I don't have any orchids mounted on trees just yet but a friend of mine does and they look gorgeous.
Thanks Roly, I got this one at the local home depot and lately they have had a nice selection of Onc. you might what to check there.