im not an oncid expert but i would say its in your lighting cycle most likley, maybe the temperature range included, some like cooler temps and more darkness to bloom, someone else here might be able to give you exact numbers, or better reasons, just and idea, your planting medium is interesting kind of hydroponic really, you might have a bunch of salts retained in those pores in the brick do you run a bunch of rainwater thru it to cleanse the substrate of salts,i guess the charcole will cleanse the water right?? i use 3 waterings with rainwater and then one watering with fertalizer, to make sure i wash my substrate clean, i use a bloom formula when my orchids are in bloomBetter -Gro makes good products they are also Urea Free u know!! i used to use to much fertalizer myself but if you get the palnt all blocked up with salts and keep it in a hard greengrowth cycle, you would be in the direction you are heading, i used to grow all hydroponic,, i used rockwool,for a growing medium , its like cotton candy blown super heated rock threads,, the plants love it,i grew monsters plain monsters!! scary,,i havent recoverd yet,, i havent tried it with orchids, but anyways back to orchids, i would say your bloom deal is a lighting, temp thing and maybe maybe the fertalizer needs more of the k in N-P-K the last number in the fertalizer chain numbers on the fertalizer pkg,, i was always used to the schooling that N nitrogen was good for green growth cycle the last number K is what the plant uses in the bloom cycle. just an idea though consult your fertalizer package is the last number real low?? im sure someone here will have better advice for you on this.
Last edited by Craig; 06-10-2008 at 11:48 PM..