Originally Posted by caseydoll
All your orchids are beautiful!!! The color of your phal is amazing. It's always so rewarding when you save one and it gives you blooms.  My Sedirea just opened it's buds and it smells sort of like lemons but my first thought was a citronella candle. Smell just like it! Mine is the regular sized one so I'm not sure if they would smell the same.
Your psychopsis is amazing! I think I'm going to have to get one now.  What is your culture like with this one? I know you haven't had it that long but you did get it to bloom.  Just curious on if I could actually grow one. Phals are really the only orchid that like me! 
I think the big Sedireas and the mini sedireas smell the same. I had the chance to smell them both at the last show I went to, as there were displays with each
OK... so keep in mind this is my second Psychopsis.

My first one decided to commit suicide over a few months time after I moved last summer. What I have learned with the old one is that these guys do not like to be repotted (though I had to since I managed to drop him on the first day and break his pot, and after a few months, tape wasn't cutting it). They like a tight pot. They do not like to be over watered. Once a week should do it, if that much. They don't need crazy amounts of light. They do NOT like moving house!
I was actually afraid to get another one after the first one died... but then I spoke to a grower, and they laughed and told me not to even imagine how many they went through before they figured it out. And they had a greenhouse! The trick is to not overwhelm it... I think....
I just have it in the kitchen near the sliding door. West facing. Protected from direct light. They seem to be one of those, water once and leave alone type of plants... which is hard for me, because I like to fuss over them