Originally Posted by estación seca
I've lived in Seattle. I think they need more water and more light. In 3 years they all should have many more growths. If you can put them outside in Summer they will enjoy the warmer temperatures.
Yeah light is definitely a challenge in seattle. But all my phals initiate spikes without issues. Maybe the need for light is more for oncidiums. If I use stronger grow lights the leaves get burnt. Sure will try to leave them outside. I'm so scared of pests after the scale issue that I had 2 years ago that was a nightmare.
---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Pegleg
I have Gold Dust and Tsiku Marguerite, growing outside in Florida. They both start spikes in October and bloom in January. Is it possible your plants are not getting the seasonal day length and temperature changes they need to initiate spikes?
That could be a possibility. My phals however dont have issues initiating spikes with the temperature changes. Maybe onc require more temperature drop?🤔
---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Ray
More water and more light seems logical, but to rule out excessive nitrogen , what formula is the fertilizer and at what concentration are you feeding them?
Ray, I'm using the repotme MSU fertilizer with tap water. I feed them fertilizer weekly as per instructions 1tsp per gallon of water.
---------- Post added at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------
Originally Posted by FranningtonBear
This was my thought too. My Twinkle had at least twice as many pseudobulbs before she flowered for the first time.
As they say, orchids teach patience!
Oh wow twice as many pseudobulb means another 2 years🤔 100% orchids teach us patience😀
---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------
Originally Posted by rbarata
It can be many factors. The best approach, I think, is to give it the best required conditions. To achieve that, the best is to follow ES's suagestion: put it outside, in a shade but bright location.
How many times a week are you watering?
Roberta, summer times I'm watering every 3 days but winter its usually every 7-10 days