How long should I expect for my oncidiums to mature and bloom?
I feel silly. I never thought about how long it could potentially take for my little plants to fully mature to bloom. I thought about it and tried researching but lack finding anything besides the sellers ad saying it should bloom within the year, which i kind of find a little hard to believe. These little plants are considered what I am assuming as plug size. I have a totally of 5 oncidiums. 2 have 1 psuedo bulb and 1 has 2. The 2 others look just like leaves....almost like a tuft of grass. I am attaching pictures of each one. Either way, I am going to enjoy them as they grow and learn about them (along with one baby cattleya). This was my first plant purchase in a long time and won't be getting anymore for a while as I want to at least slightly master these babies before adding on any more. Thanks for the help!!!