Hey Dusty, I think the twinkle is the best oncidium choice, not as big as the sharry baby which you'd be gobsmacked by how big it gets but not too small that it gets overlooked. They take up much less space than even a medium sized phalaenopsis, the flower spikes grow up and don't take up any more space than the pot below. They are very adaptable too but if you are looking for something smaller then you should certainly consider its parent the oncidium cheirophorum which is the smaller parent of the twinkle so stays very compact.
The cheirophorum is a hot grower however so not as versatile as the twinkle.
Something that stays a similar size as the cheirophorum is a mexicoa ghiesbreghtiana, a warm to cool grower but if you truly want a mini oncidium then a good candidate might be an oncidium coloratum.