So this is the very first time I ever bought an orchid online, and I'm already regretting it. I should have emailed this company and complained right away.
I ordered an Oncidium Sweet Sugar online, about four months ago, and I didn't care about the fact that it had no flowers or flower spike yet, I figured that will come with time.
However I got one with really wrinkly pseudobulbs and a rotten pseudobulb. Good thing I decided to repot the entire thing right away because if I hadn't I would have missed the other rotten pseudobulb which was much more far gone, and was lying under the medium, which is why it wasn't visible at all. Why would they repot the oncidium and leave one pseudobulb under the medium, makes no sense to me?
Anyway I thought once I cut away the rotten pseudobulbs and repotted it, I figured it will recover eventually. So imagine my joy when I say not one, but two baby pseudobulbs coming up. So now it's a little further and the baby bulbs are a little bigger now.
However now to my big disappointment I've just discovered that one of the baby bulbs has gone rotten!

I thought it had a strange color compared to the other baby bulb... I tried to sqeeze it and it's soft and moushy. This can't be good. I'm also just noticing that the mother pseudobulb that this baby one is attached to is starting to change color too. I think this one is going to rot too I'm afraid. I'm going to have to cut these two away then.
On the positive side I've still got one baby bulb that looks good.