Hello! I'm new to forums and this site, so I hope I did this right! I have moderate experience with orchids, and this is not my only oncidium, but I'm not very well versed in their advanced care.
So, I live in an apartment with a couple of other girls, and I love to fill it with plants, especially orchids. Last year for my birthday I bought myself a beautiful Oncidium from an orchid place up in Los Angeles. I'm a college student, so dropping 40$ on an orchid was a big deal for me, and that oncidium, dubbed "Lava Boy" was super special. I spoke freely about how he was my "prize orchid" as a joke and everyone knew how much I loved him. One of these roommates, however, did not like me from the moment she met me and liked to make myself and others miserable just for the fun of it. Over the summer, I have gone home and hired a plant-sitter to come care for my plants in my place. When I left, Lava Boy was healthy, though he had gotten dehydrated, hence the younger leaves you see being kinked. But otherwise, he was strong, and I had adjusted my routine to rectify the dehydration. Today though, I get a text from my plant-sitter with these awful pictures! The Evil Roommate had come back and taken scissors to my Lava Boy!

This wasn't the first time she had damaged my plants, but this one, in particular, had been targeted because she knew my love for it. She was the only one to have been in the apartment and my plant had been perfectly green and healthy before! I hadn't seen or spoken to her in months, and never retaliated against her, so I have no idea what prompted this attempted murder! The leaves have been cut down to the bulb, and much of the new growth, along with all of my mature leaves, have been violently sheared off. Unfortunately, my plant-sitter only comes once every few days and by the looks of it, the infection had already set into the wounds by the time I got there.
Is he salvageable? I got my plant-sitter to disinfect the wounds a bit with a water/alcohol mix since I didn't have cinnamon, hopefully alcohol is ok? But after that I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I can do. I've never seen someone be so brutal with a plant before, and the damage is so intense I worry my buddy is a goner.

The picture with the flowers was when I first bought him, the second leafy one is right before I left a month ago, and the other two are pictures from today of the damage.