WW - Sounds like she needs a tropical sundew. Drosera capensis would be perfect for what you’re describing as long as decent rh can be maintained which the water tray should help with. DI/RO/Rain water required.
It’s worth a try...they’re not too spendy on eBay...$12-$20 with shipping. I’d send you one if I had more but just starting out with them. Looks like most recommend rh of at least 50%. A high sided bowl might do better than a dish.
...and actually, I could send you some seed in a month or so as mine is currently flowering. Capensis readily self-pollinate.
Cool! I'm definitely getting one when I can. Best for me to start with a little plant, instead of a seed, etc. Learning curve....
My SIL gave me a tiny little start of a Crassula falcata for mother's day. Started it off a leaf. Now I have a baby one, and about five more little starts. I get nervous just watching them.