Originally Posted by camille1585
Speaking about the spring OB project, I noticed that the date wasn't changed on the calendar. So I thought that it had been changed back to the 8th!
As for the chats, 8pm puts it at 2am for me. EEK  Will needs lots and lots of coffee to stay up til then!

Hi Camille
That's odd! I know for sure that I changed that date but just had to go back and do it over. Thanks for the tip
It'll be March 2nd at 8pm EST to start but that's just the first discussions. We'll also have a thread going in the forums for folks that can't make it to chat at that time.
Funny story...our friend Ludisia, in Finland, participated in our last project and was setting her alarm clock for something like 4:00am to join us in the chat room!

Talk about devotion! I just love her