Occasionally, I have the tendency to collect toys I think are pretty cool. It is just an occasional thing. I don't really do it all the time.
Well, recently I've been cleaning my living areas out, and some of the things I was selling or throwing out were some random junk and some toys.
During the clean up, I kept wanting to hang on to the Lego Bionicle toys I had. But when I counted how many within the group I had, I was missing 2 figures. I had thought that during the early phase of the cleanup, I had thrown them out in the recycling bin thinking that their canisters were empty. Frustrated, I never bothered to look in a cabinet where they might've been stored.
Upset, I tried to look for replacements only to find that they're now worth anywhere about $75 each! I never purchased new ones, and good thing too...
Sure enough, when I looked inside a cabinet trying to look for my dechlorinator, there they were in their canisters, the 2 remaining Lego Bionicle figures. I'm very glad I didn't accidentally toss them!
Now I gotta go to the nearest tropical fish aquarium and get some dechlorinators to remove any chloramines in our tap water, (needed the dechlorinator to add water for my protozoans and rotifers; I'm raising killifish). :/
At least I found some really expensive toys!