The purchase of the week is three little cactus.
I have no idea about the names, but at least I had one of this before, a long long time ago.
It is on the top right in the first picture.
I was reminded of beautiful red flowers I used to enjoy as a kid when I saw the one at a farmer's market.
It was budded and it was very hard to resist. I was like, well, they are cheap and small at least.
I found two more budded ones among so many unbudded cactus. Two of them, I believe are of the same variety but different color given the color of the buds. so I'm thinking white, yellow, or light pink, or some totally different color. I grabbed it because I was curious to find out. I've only seen red flowers on this variety.
One of a different variety already has two light yellow flowers open but both got crushed on the way home.
There are new ones coming though.
The bad news after I got home with these guys. They had what appeared to look like mealy bugs on them.
I didn't know cactus with such hard surface was so edible to the bugs.

I took them all the shower and sprayed all over.
I hope all the bugs are dead and gone. fingers crossed.
I will post pictures when flowers are open.
hopefully the spray does not harm the buds.
Time will tell.