Help identifying a non Orchid?
please let me know if i put this in the wrong spot, was thinking there was a clearer spot for this, but i dont see it today.
i have this wonderful plant i inherited and would like to identify it as much as i can.
the original came from clipping from a family friends landscaping in southern California. it has been growing at my grandmothers house for as long as i can remember.
it is flowering (i think) for the first time i have ever noticed, the long rat tail looking things at the end of the branches. if those are not some strange flower, can someone inform me what they are?
the plant roots from cutting super easy and i have 3 bunches now growing in SH and they seem very happy, heck they will grow in a cup of water! it has a lovely firm cascading vine like habit, thick meaty leaves, stiff meaty vine, clear nodes along it where it snaps clean and will root at each one.
i have very little knowledge of non orchids, i always thought of myself as a black thumb till i started with orchids. funny how i had my first successes on the plants that everyone thinks are the hard ones!