and poinsettia are in season as Christmas is getting near, and I just love these plants!
I bought so many amaryllis last season, probably all the colors and forms available out there! then they get so large with their leaves I sadly dumped them all except for three rather uncommon hybrids after flowers were spent. They are not exactly cheap for how short the flowers last, but very cheap for the long term because they are so easy to grow and flower again each year basically forever! My aunt used to have amaryllis for decades!
Starting this year, I've decided to buy fresh cut amaryllis, they cost about the same as potted ones, last even shorter but I don't feel as bad when I throw them away.
I don't have much luck with reblooming cyclamen and poinsettia, but what a great thing it is that they are always available this time of the year and quite inexpensive! (and last for all season long!)

It's amazing how different and unique poinsettia hybrids are available now from tea cup size to regular large size.
I haven't taken pictures of poinsettis but I'm sharing my newst amaryllis Red Knight and some mini cyclamen.
Mini cyclamens are slightly scented. not exacly floral scent but it does have its charm I guess.