Originally Posted by cbuchman
My favorite non-orchidaceous plant is my gardenia. I got it in 1974 as a bare rooted 3 inch slip from Coca Cola for drinking so much soda. For the math challenged, that means I’ve been growing it for 38 years. It’s about 5 feet tall right now. It has suffered many indignities, including falling off the wall and have breaking off its top. It now blooms prolifically in the spring and sparingly in the fall. Of course, it smells divine. Unfortunately, I really have to keep after the mealy bugs; so this year I applied a systemic mealy bug treatment before bringing it inside for the winter. Pictures are attached.
I also have a dwarf Meyer lemon tree which produces lemons, which is always fun.
Attachment 73403 Attachment 73402
wow~ 5 feet tall gardenia after 38 years of care! You're the winner!
I also love gardenia and its devine scent. Unfortunately, they seem to be spider mite magnet in my apartment.
So I buy them in the season but then I don't keep them once flowers are gone as they are fully loaded with spider mites no matter how often I swipe the leaves.
By the way, what kind of systemic do you use on your plant? With such large and dense bush you got, it could be touch to check for bugs that might sneak in somewhere. Systemic sounds like the way to go!
There are two very tall gardenia trees in NY botanical garden greenhouse, and I just love the smell when they are in bloom in the spring.