Hey post photos here! We all love seeing them!
My pitcher plant wilted. I got nervous and read that they will wilt a bit when moved to a new home. Some say to fertilize some say not to. The one site said to use orchid fert or seaweed. I mixed a small dilution of both very weak and watered him well. Within a day or two he looked better! I feel so much better now! I was going to re-pot him as he seems a bit large for the pot, but I don't want to go from a 4" pot to an 8" and I can't find any hanging pots this time of year. The only ones I can find are the orchid baskets. I'll have to keep looking.
Everyone here has such cool rare plants! It's great to see them all! Mine seem so common now!
Here are some of my plants from this year. They have gotten big enough to divide almost all of them, so with me not working and us not having much money dividing will be a great way of enlarging the gardens. I'm hoping to pre-order a bunch of stuff before I can't afford to.
This one is a bit of a joke, we got a few later then normal frosts for our area and we had to drag everything inside for the nights for a week.
This is the shade part of our deck, which runs the full length of the house.
and here is the sunny spot
Here is the raised beds that our veggies grow in. We have them 12" so I don't have to bend down to weed. With my bad health this helps a lot! I sit on one bed and weed in another.
and here's one days harvest from the veggies!