Beautiful quilts, Quiltergal!

I love crafts too, I can knit, sew, make lace, crochet, cross-stitch... I do everything to death tho, for a few years obsessively til I've mastered all there is to know... then the challenge is gone and I move on
Some things last the distance

I still play my flute and i pick up a guitar at some point every single day, there's 3 always out in a corner of the room somewhere and I haven't had to dust any if them in 25+ yrs!

Sunday mornings just aren't worth getting up for without marmite toast, a cup of coffee, a guitar and a step to sit on! I guess there is always another tune to master and another song to sing
For the last 3 years there has always been an orchid to thrill over... Currently there are 11 and some moss to rave over, u naughty bunch or enablers you!!

Somewhere in the articles there's a picture of "Wendy" in her grow room... sat feet up with a coffee and her little dog.... I suspect at some point that will be me, with my marmite toast and an acoustic guitar