So how's it going with you guys?
I am having a partial success. I decided to just grow in the Bonsai pots I had left, so I have three growing in one oval pot, and two more each with an oval pot of their own.
4 Cayenne and one Unknown (seeds from a grocery shop bought eating one... has grown quite well though!)
So far I have 9 fruits (or berries if you want to get technical)
They seem to be easier to handle growing straight in the bonsai pots. The shallowness must be helping them to stay in check.
As for pruning, I will wait till after the fruit has been picked and the trunk/stems are sturdier.
They have suffered some neglect which couldn't be helped, but have survived none the less.
So come on, you guys better have a better harvest than I!?
If you ever want to try something new do a search on "guerilla gardening"
Wish I had that much time on my hands!