Anyone here grow Dahlias? I never get tired of growing these each season. I also love starting Zinnias from seed each Spring under T5's. They always grow like weeds every summer and get to about 4 or 5 feet tall.
My father with a vase full of Dahlias from my garden. Some people may think the dinnerplates are too huge and obnoxious. I think they're pretty fun and crazy looking
You have a great green thumb! Everything you grow is beautiful! My white dahlia's bloomed again this year for me....but I didn't get any pictures. Love your colorful ones!
Those are some gorgeous blooms you've got there !!!! No luck with the Dahlias here. I only got to see one bloom on the Peaches and Cream and that was about it. However gladiolus and calla lilies did bloom nicely.