Hard Times
I just went through a horrific time this past week, and I'm still in shock. My beloved brother-in-law was killed last Saturday in a logging accident in the woods in back of his home. (We live on the same road). Someone called me, thank God, when they heard over a police scanner that a body had been found. I was able to get there when police and firefighters were bringing my sister down out of the woods. She found him. When he didn't come home at his normal time, and didn't answer his cell phone, she went looking for him.I'll never forget the look of horror on her face as long as I live. By the way, the temps were 7 above zero.
He was a wonderful husband, father, and friend to many around here. He was doing everything right, very knowledged in logging, and wearing all his safety equipment, but the huge pine tree shifted and crushed him. He was only 66 years young.
The funeral was last evening. My brother and his family just left to go back to Florida, and I'm sitting here, rather numb, checking my email.
Oddly enough, the only thing I really wanted to see was what I've missed on Orchid Board. All my friends here that I've grown to care about, and who is growing what...what's in bloom...etc.
You all have no idea how much I've come to love this site and all of you who absolutely make my day!
Thank you Marty! Suzanne! I miss you Dorothy! And the list goes on and on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making today a little better....everyday a little better.
All will be okay, my sister is surrounded by her two grown daughters, her grandchildren, and sons -in-laws, and I am going to be there for her as well as many family members on both sides. We are a strong family and will rally all our mights to get her through this tragedy.
Thank you all for being such a wonderful website family!