Thanks everyone!
I think it was harder helping her through the labor than it was going through labor myself. But my daughter did phenomenal and the baby is healthy and happy!
An orchid purchase to commemorate his birth!...I am ashamed to say that the thought hadn't crossed my mind LOL.
I'll put Aunt Sue on that task right away!
No rest for the weary... I had just enough time today to head home, upload photos, water the precious chids, arrange a flight for the my youngest (the new aunt, who missed the delivery as she is in Puerto Rico in Optometry School and had a test that she couldn't miss :-( ), got in a shower, and have just enough time to pet the dogs and horses on my way back out to the hospital!
Photos can be found here...
Laura Newton (lauranewton) : photos : Birth of Luca Antonio Moronta- powered by SmugMug