Originally Posted by gmdiaz
GAD, I would love to have that for my HOUSE! Cause, you know, I am a delicate hot house flower myself! LOLOLOL
It would be so much fun to have to check my jacket pockets for frogs and feeding the quail each morning before heading off to work.
Thanks so much for the pics, Paul! *I am in dreamland just thinking about the possibilities* 
Still Dreaming:
And Dorthy could come over and help me tag everything with little signs indicating each plant's id and I'd fix her coffee every morning. And we'd chuckle about how all those signs make the place look like a grande fairy graveyard.
I could have a whole display of orchids in Erin Pottery and a chair directly in front, so I could sit and stare at them. . .
And you know what they say about people that live in glass houses. . .so I'd have to be VERY careful what I said about anyone.