Dedicated to my admiration for the creative possibilities of Kandinsky 2.1 neuro network.
Preamble. I want to clarify that this publication is not related (or related, but this is inaccurate) with the spring exacerbation, the past full moon and extra-class magnetic storms. I talked on the forums long before the interesting for orchids, it is quite possible that the intrest for orchids grew out of forums about various inaccessible plants. Since then, I have had the permanent nickname Akhenaten (Akhenaton) taken from my intresting for ancient Egyptian art and history. Under this nickname I am on our forum too.
After re-entering the world of orchids, there was a desire to have an orchid, which would be called Pharaoh. I found a clone of Cattleya maxima 'Pharaoh' in Hawaii, ordered it three times, did not receive it three times. There is also a very old cattleya hybrid Cattleya Pharaoh = bicolor x labiata x warscewiczii x dowiana. Cross hybrid Cattleya Fabia and Cattleya Abula. If Fabia is found, then Abul is nowhere to be found. So I want to repeat this hybrid. I'm gathering plants. Grow and bloom with me with varying degrees of success. By the way, there is also a Cattleya Sphinx hybrid. There is a desire to bring out a white sphinx. I could not find images of the flowering of these hybrids.
Plot. The other day I learned about the development of the Kandinsky 2.1 russian neural network. The neural network amazed me with its artistic abilities. The management of the neural network is very simple. It is enough to write what you want to see, and the art work is ready, of excellent quality. Whether it can be called a work of art, I don't know if it has any value, I don't know.
I wrote "pharaoh orchid" and got a series of visual content generations. The impressive fantasy of AI shocked me deeply. The real ancient Egyptian 4000 years old civilization had 36 dynasties of pharaohs. The neural network depicted the likeness of the dynasties of pharaohs orchids.
First Dynasty Orchid Pharaohs
Second dynasty
Third dynasty
Fourth dynasty
Fifth dynasty
Sixth dynasty
Seventh dynasty
Eighth dynasty

---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------
Ninth dynasty
The now living pharaoh orchid
Then came the crisis of civilization
With splitting on the earth...
...and transcendental