Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
Okay, here's my update...
Nada. Just sitting there. Since middle of November. {{sigh}} Saw a tiny bit of white mold. Gonna wash it off a bit, rotate it a little. Leaving the cover off for a bit. But I do think maybe I have a bit of sphagnum that's beginning to grow.
This is patience at a whole new level.
Update to April 2021. I'd take a new picture of The Coconut Project, but the only thing happening is greener sphag. Grandson keeps pointing it out to the parents when they visit "Look, Abuela and I are growing a coconut tree." Parents "Oh, that's exciting!" {{parents look at each other and roll eyes}}.
Patience at a whole new level indeed. If we don't get anywhere soon, Imma go buy a very small coconut tree, crack this sucker open, and plant the tree in it. Voila! I'll show those skeptical parents a thing or two!