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04-05-2020, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by JScott
On to another sudden subject change, I got my Burn Out concentrate today. It sure isn't very concentrated. It was like 20 dollars for a bottle that was enough to make 1 gallon of ready to use product. But I tried it on some particularly noxious grasses which are scarring the front lawn at the moment. I sprayed a few of them with glyphosate, and a few with Burn Out, to do a little experiment and see which works better. If the Burn Out works as good, I don't mind paying more to protect the environment and keep my money out of Monsanto's pocket, but it took me 4 gallons of diluted glyphosate to clear that back flower bed of weeds. That sure would have cost a lot of money if I were using Burn Out at that time instead.
I warned you about that.
---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
On your topic about proper nomenclature: I also took Latin, and when I had the nursery open I used to strict botanical latin. The only people who cared were other growers. It infuriated my customers and made them hate me.
I worked hard for my master's degree. And I don't like being talked to like I'm an idiot. I understand good grammar is perpetuated by the written language. But unless you're going to an orchid show or you're going to walk off a cliff I think you should extend grace to people. I learned this the hard way.
Part of being a good gardener is knowing when to do what and knowing what to do if your window of opportunity closes. I'm able to look at a plant and know from looking at it what kind of conditions it will take. I'm able to look at my garden and know that it needs water. I'm able to look at an orchid in the oncidium tribe and have a pretty good idea of what general care will take.
I think if you want to call your plant Drucilla, call it that. Just know that if you take it to the show you have to have it labeled properly. He she, or they, are all interchangeable terms for my plants . Frankly life is too short and it wasn't worth the hassle I got to always be right. You can be right or you can have relationships.
Last edited by Dollythehun; 04-05-2020 at 09:34 PM..

04-05-2020, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Dollythehun
I warned you about that.
---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
On your topic about proper nomenclature: I also took Latin, and when I had the nursery open I used to strict botanical latin. The only people who cared were other growers. It infuriated my customers and made them hate me.
I worked hard for my master's degree. And I don't like being talked to like I'm an idiot. I understand good grammar is perpetuated by the written language. But unless you're going to an orchid show or you're going to walk off a cliff I think you should extend grace to people. I learned this the hard way.
Part of being a good gardener is knowing when to do what and knowing what to do if your window of opportunity closes. I'm able to look at a plant and know from looking at it what kind of conditions it will take. I'm able to look at my garden and know that it needs water. I'm able to look in orchid and the unsidium tribe and have a pretty good idea of what general Cara will take.
I think if you want to call your plant drucilla, call it that. Just know that if you take it to the show you have to have it labeled properly. He she, or they, are all interchangeable terms for my plants . Frankly life is too short and it wasn't worth the hassle I got to always be right. You can be right or you can have relationships.
Oh yes, I'm aware that for official purposes such as shows and sales of plants, proper names should always be used, and I like what you said about extending grace to people. That's an excellent quality. I am educated in Classical Latin, the Latin of Caesar and Augustus, and CIcero, and the like, but I also love botanical Latin. I think it's so much fun. At my garden shop, I typically used the Latin binomial names for the plants I sold, and it annoyed some of people, but others of them were happy to learn something new.

04-06-2020, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Dollythehun
I warned you about that.[COLOR="Silver"]
---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
Well, I told you yesterday I did a little experiment comparing Burn Out to glyphosate. I went outside just a minute ago to check, and the weeds I sprayed with Burn Out actually seem to be in worse shape than the ones I used glyphosate on, so yay! It will take a while to see if the weeds were killed all the down to the roots and don't come back, but the preliminary results, Burn Out is the winner. The only problem is that it would have taken about 100 dollars worth of BurnOut to make the amount I would have needed to clear the back flower bed. I ended up needing about 4 gallons of diluted glyphosate to clear that bed, and that cost like 20 dollars. I will use BurnOut for small jobs, but for larger jobs, I just can't afford it when there's a much cheaper alternative that is just as effective.
Last edited by JScott; 04-06-2020 at 03:46 PM..

04-06-2020, 03:31 PM
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ha! you guys keep becoming more and more kindred spirits!!
i have five years of college latin under my belt just because i like words and i was NOT going to take any more Spanish (growing up in Miami is basically taking Spanish plus 7 years in middle and high school, no gracias)
however, i am an extremely mentally efficient person and if i decide (for whatever reason, right, wrong, or other) that i don't need to know something, i will never remember it. this is really bad with people's names when i meet them and then they become people's boyfriends and i will NEVER know their names...
anyway, i am like that with the proper names of plants....i read them quickly and often incorrectly and that is what they will be called to me is so funny because i am hyper-specific in all other aspects of most of my life but i apparently don't care about this LOL
it is really funny because many people at shows and greenhouses will say something like, i thought you were an idiot/newb/moron at first but you know your plants?!?!
all about that extending grace....often people are so quick to come to a conclusion right away...i try to live my life challenging that notion.
on a separate note, grammar matters.
I, as a trial guy, show my mettle with my spoken words more than my written, as such i am often adjusting my speech to the particular individual i am speaking with is funny to the people in my life who see me interact with lots of people and they think i am just messing with people...i call it juror fatigue syndrome 

04-06-2020, 03:49 PM
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OMG we all know Latin! What are the chances? hahahahahahahahahaha

04-06-2020, 04:04 PM
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my favorite Latin stories..first is short, when i was in college my mom got remarried (number 3 of eventual 3 failed attempts) in Italy and i was really practiced at the professor said, just speak in as much Latin as you can and most Italians will just think you have a horrible accent...i laughed and then i tried it and it was hilarious...i got so many confused head shakes and correction so subtle it sounded like the same damn thing to mu dumb hears lol.
the second is this hung in the chambers of an awesome Judge I used to appear in front of and when he had to move to an ALF i got this..once in a hearing some D bag was trying to impress someone saying what i meant in the least cool terms ("never allow the illegitimate son of the ….") and the Judge says, "help him out, hes drowning..." and i don't think he and i ever discussed latin or that i knew any and i said "Bastards!"" bastards, your honor! Don't let them get you down!" and he smiled and said exactly, gold star for you
Judge Cook by J Solo, on Flickr
now it hangs in our laundry room 

04-06-2020, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by JScott
Well, I told you yesterday I did a little experiment comparing Burn Out to glyphosate. I went outside just a minute ago to check, and the weeds I sprayed with Burn Out actually seem to be in worse shape than the ones I used glyphosate on, so yay! It will take a while to see if the weeds were killed all the down to the roots and don't come back, but the preliminary results, Burn Out is the winner. The only problem is that it would have taken about 100 dollars worth of BurnOut to make the amount I would have needed to clear the back flower bed. I ended up needing about 4 gallons of diluted glyphosate to clear that bed, and that cost like 20 dollars. I will use BurnOut for small jobs, but for larger jobs, I just can't afford it when there's a much cheaper alternative that is just as effective.
I think I mentioned it was expensive and didn't go very far. However, if you are a dyed in the wool, hardcore organics person, that might not matter. So, now, JScott, we know your price. 😂
I told you I took Latin and knew botanical Latin. I NEVER claimed to speak it.
DC, what you're referring to is what I call (learned) is "social register. You're able to communicate up or down the social register" (Bridges out if Poverty training.) You could communicate with the rich and famous or the urban. Good quality to have.

04-06-2020, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Dollythehun
I think I mentioned it was expensive and didn't go very far. However, if you are a dyed in the wool, hardcore organics person, that might not matter. So, now, JScott, we know your price. 😂
I told you I took Latin and knew botanical Latin. I NEVER claimed to speak it.
DC, what you're referring to is what I call (learned) is "social register. You're able to communicate up or down the social register" (Bridges out if Poverty training.) You could communicate with the rich and famous or the urban. Good quality to have.
Hahahaha, yes, you're right. Now, I never said I was a hardcore organics person, I just like to do my part when I can to help keep the planet healthy, but I'm also on a budget, so I'm willing to compromise sometimes lol. Mostly I hate Monsanto because of their unethical business practices, but there's generic glyphosate. I Really do like that BurnOut stuff, and I will keep it around to use when I need a little bit here and there. Now that the back flower bed is done, I won't really need much weed killer. That back flower bed is the most weed killer I have ever used, and i"ll probably never need that much again, so I can probably stick to BurnOut from now on. I wish I had ordered a larger bottle of it, but when I run out of what I've got left, I know to get the big bottle next time. f

04-10-2020, 03:45 AM
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Originally Posted by JScott
The next thing I want to talk about came up in another thread. I thought it was a strange thing to debate, but I found it interesting. Somebody referred to their plants with feminine pronouns, and somebody excoriated her because almost all orchids are monoecious (although she used the term heterosexual) meaning that the flowers have both male and female parts, and therefore are neither masculine or feminine. Only a few exceptions exist, such as some of the Catasetinae, which are dioecious (not homosexual), having flowers that are either just male or just female.
How do you guys feel about this? I think it's fun and harmless. Am I wrong to be doing this?
i'm not trying to offend anybody, I'm just trying to understand.
Languages which have a Latin or Roman background (Spanish, Romanian, and German comes to mind) have nouns which are referred to as he, she, and they (German: der Tisch, the table, and das bild, the picture). Danny (Miss Orchid Girl on YouTube) calls her orchids he or she, so you're not alone.

04-10-2020, 10:35 AM
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i only use the gender pronouns on the plants that have enough personality that i have personified them
i tend to think of my fruiting trees as all female and that's not true as they have a complicated collection of A and B type, male and female type and so on and so forth.
I thought one of the two great laws of orchids was that it had to have a column and doesn't that necessarily require it to have both?
column and a lip, that was the golden rule i learned years ago from some teacher in college lol
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