Originally Posted by Dollythehun
(Post 915860)
I hope you don't think I was minimizing your pain. That certainly wasn't my intention.
Dolly, you come of as a kind, level-headed, caring individual. I don't think anybody thought you were minimizing anybody's pain. I only know you from here, but i'm guessing that you are person who would tell somebody that it's okay to feel your feelings. You don't have to hide them. Let yourself experience the full range of human emotion, and you'll learn from it and become a more compassionate person. And because I think you would say it, I'm going to say it for you:
WaterWitchin, you go ahead and feel your feelings. Embrace them even if they are painful. When we go through tough times, we learn more about ourselves and we come out stronger, so don't be afraid to feel your feelings, and if you want to talk about it, we are here. If you don't want to talk, we won't be offended. You can be left to feel your feelings in peace, at your own pace, in your own time.
---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 AM ----------
Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
(Post 915857)
It's been a crappy day. Mostly because of where my head is at the moment. Tomorrow will perhaps be better. Just can't get up the gumption/energy to write or post anything I feel is worthwhile. Today. Meh... we all have those kinda days. Absolutely I wanna keep striving for being the best I can be. And almost ashamed for not having a good day. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, plenty of stuff I could be doing. Folks who love me. For today, I go to bed, and attempt to have my head in a better space by manana. We all have down moments. I'm just sharing one. Guarantee my attitude will shift... it always does, and I count on it.
And on a personal note, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II when I was 19. I was depressed, so i went to a family doctor and told him I was depressed. We talked for about five minutes, and he wrote me a script for Effexor. It was fairly new at the time. I started taking that, and it did crazy things to my mood. I was up and down and everywhere. Eventually i tried to kill myself by driving head on into a tree at about 80 miles an hour. Somehow I was unhurt. But I was committed to a psych hospital for a few weeks. Once I talked to an actual psychiatrist and he took a full evaluation, he realized that I am bipolar, and Effexor is a very bad medication to give to somebody that is bipolar, as it can trigger manic or mixed episodes. That's why I always tell people now, if you are having mental health issues, get your family doctor to refer you to a proper psychiatrist. Don't let your GP treat your mental health. they don't have the expertise. But anyway, I had a lot of hard years. Barely made it through college, did a lot of self-medicating, which of course only made it worse. But over time it got better. Apparently that can tend to happen with bipolar. The symptoms are worse in the late teens and early 20s, but can get better over time. I'm 37 now, and I'm doing just fine. I take Lamictal, which is actually an anti-epileptic medication, but it also acts as a mood stabilizer. That's all I take now, and I feel great. At one point, I was on 8 different medications at once, and it was awful. But I got a better psychiatrist, and everything is under control with that one medication that has no side effects, and I think a lot of the improvement just comes from getting older. So my point is, I understand the depths of human despair, and you're not alone. You can do this, and you will do it, and you'll be better for it after it's all said and done.