WaterWitchin |
04-01-2020 09:18 AM |
Originally Posted by JScott
(Post 915654)
You seem plenty fancy to me! Somebody (actually Dolly on this thread) recommended that I try a product called BurnOut which is a less toxic, more environmentally friendly weed killer. She said it works, but it sometimes takes two applications for certain stubborn weeds. I ordered some, so when it gets here I'll give it a try and see how it does, but I trust Dolly, she seems to have it together, so I'm sure if she says it works, it works.
Dolly and I are VERY good friends... if she says it works, you can take it to the bank.
---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 AM ----------
Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
(Post 915657)
I was going to throw another log on this fire and suggest ...fire
It is not a good solution for wide areas and, I confess, I don’t know how deep it works, but I have had good results with pesky vines and sh1t awful spikey weeds with both a flame thrower (small propane, not cool military) and a controlled burn on maybe a ten sq/ft area
Sounds like you already settled the issue but in case anyone searches for this solution in the future....
Night all, you fancy folk
We have a Bernzomatic. I've had several over the years, and I love it. It works extremely well on many things. With the wild carrot, like young dandelions, it usually works if it's not very large. Wild garlic, onion, and purple thistle not as well. Has to do with the long tap root. I have one thistle I've been burning for three years now, two or three times a summer, just for kicks. It came up in the pathway in my raised veggie beds, and I enjoy fighting with it.
I've been known to walk over very large areas burning weeds, while beloved husband sits with a hose and a cold beer, spraying down the occasional mulch fire. Very satisfying way to spend an afternoon.
---------- Post added at 08:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Dollythehun
(Post 915661)
One if the things I liked about Burnout, was that when you sprayed, the weeds instantly turned color. You could see your coverage. This would be more evident in your hot sun. We also used a product called "Sythe" which is composed of some kind of fatty acids. It works well too but plugs your sprayer. I had to constantly shake the sprayer while using it.
We have a farm store near us and they used to carry these products. They also carry generic Roundup, which is far cheaper. We have 5 acres, so it pays to buy in quantity.
Another option would be to buy a small bottle of brush killer and paint the tops of each individual weed with a disposable paint brush. That works well for spot weeding your beds, or killing brushy/viney weeds.
Yup, the best products are at the feed stores. I don't like doing the paintbrush routine, but I have a squeeze bottle (like mustard) that I fill with straight glycophosphate, and as I cut off small trees, etc, that get into places I don't want, I put a drop of it on top of the fresh cut.