Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?
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Old 04-05-2020, 02:10 PM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds? Female

I have one Limelight in front of the house. It's gotten big but, endures quite a bit if shade. I've had little success with Bobo and Tiny Tuff Stuff wasn't. Endless Summers are Endless Bummers in this climate. My favorites are the ones that will take my abuse. I'm leaning toward Annabelles. They now come in all heights and pinks too. Water is my issue. They are all water hogs. Oh, and I love Tardivas, too. Then there's climbing hydrangeas! Lots of starts of those to a good home.
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Old 04-05-2020, 04:02 PM
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I’ll take a couple starts of the climber! Mine got wrecked by the damn dogs as pups. I gave up and pulled it. Limelight I have four of now, and need three more. It, and the strawberries and cream are spectacular here. PeeWee is a waste of time, even on a standard. And wholeheartedly agree with Endless Bummers! What a waste of money, time and effort! I originally bought eight. Big sale. Pieces of crap.
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Old 04-05-2020, 05:21 PM
JScott JScott is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?

Since this is my thread and it's already all over the place, I'm going to change the topic again! I got my RLC Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle' from Hausermannn today. As always from him, it is big for the price, It has a dead flower stalk where I can tell it has bloomed before, and it has a nice big new growth coming up on maturity with a sheath starting to emerge, so I'm thrilled. I didn't even know I needed this plant until somebody else on her posted him.

It's a big boy. I actually had to lower the top shelf of my rack with the fluorescent two rungs to make enough room for the leaves to not be to close to the bulbs. But that's okay. The plants on the shelf below were all short enough that I didn't have to rearrange much. And it's damn near time for them to out outside anyway.

I love Hausermann so much and I love this little guy. Or, well, actually this big guy. I'm very pleased. Hausermann always has top quality plants.

It's about big enough to need a repot, so I'm gonna watch it and as soon as I see new root growth start, I'm gonna pot it in an 8 inch bulb pan, and that will help with the problem of it not having enough head room.

Now I have one more thing I wanna talk about, but I will post that in a separate comment.
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Old 04-05-2020, 05:35 PM
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Wow! That’s a good sized plant!! I don’t know it, so I’ll have to go look up later. Maybe you should double post it in vendor section? Or I can later on if y’ant.

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

I think Hausermann’s is the place over by Dolly’s neck of the woods. Haven’t bought anything there, I don’t think.
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Old 04-05-2020, 05:39 PM
JScott JScott is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?

The next thing I want to talk about came up in another thread. I thought it was a strange thing to debate, but I found it interesting. Somebody referred to their plants with feminine pronouns, and somebody excoriated her because almost all orchids are monoecious (although she used the term heterosexual) meaning that the flowers have both male and female parts, and therefore are neither masculine or feminine. Only a few exceptions exist, such as some of the Catasetinae, which are dioecious (not homosexual), having flowers that are either just male or just female.

I hope I'm not offended anybody here, but I'm just intrigued by anybody's dedication to this topic. My plant I got today, Ports of Paradise, that's a boy plant to me. I'm going to refer to him with male pronouns. I don't know why, it's just how he made me feel when I unwrapped him. Ctt Jewel Box 'Scheherazade' is a female plant. When I talk about that one, I call her by feminine pronouns. Willliette Wong is a girl plant. Beallara Tropic Lily is a boy. I don't see any harm in doing this. It is just for my own amusement, and it helps me bond with the plants, and plants I feel bonded to get better care. A few of them even have names. I have a Phal called Drusilla, after the daughter of Herod Agrippa. I have a Catt called Jackson, or usually just Jax.

How do you guys feel about this? I think it's fun and harmless. Am I wrong to be doing this?

i'm not trying to offend anybody, I'm just trying to understand.

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

Originally Posted by WaterWitchin View Post
Wow! That’s a good sized plant!! I don’t know it, so I’ll have to go look up later. Maybe you should double post it in vendor section? Or I can later on if y’ant.

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

I think Hausermann’s is the place over by Dolly’s neck of the woods. Haven’t bought anything there, I don’t think.
You should definitely order from Hausermann, I've never got a plant less than spectacular from him, and they are always big for the price.
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Old 04-05-2020, 05:53 PM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds? Female

Originally Posted by WaterWitchin View Post
Wow! That’s a good sized plant!! I don’t know it, so I’ll have to go look up later. Maybe you should double post it in vendor section? Or I can later on if y’ant.

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

I think Hausermann’s is the place over by Dolly’s neck of the woods. Haven’t bought anything there, I don’t think.
They are about an hour NW of me. But, between the gas, tolls, and travel time, I don't go often. I have never gotten a bad plant from them. It's a family affair, and Lynn? I have met is very nice.
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Old 04-05-2020, 06:10 PM
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Yeah, I thought so Dolly. I just rarely buy much in the way of orchids past six years. Blahdeblah, you know the story.

The plant he/she/it thang? LOL... I find it most amusing. And shouldn't probably weigh in too heavily since I mod. Having said that, let me weigh in a bit...

I could care less what or how someone else names their plants. To some, it's a part of orchid culture that's taken very, VERY seriously. Kind of like the correct naming of an orchid, mind the nomenclature, the correct spelling, whatever. I lose a tag, shrug my shoulders and move on. I do have a problem with someone wanting to put a "name" on a NOID orchid. But not enough to get my bloomers into a bunch.

Point being... different folks within a passion tend to focus on different things. Some care about one thing, not another. Some personify (can't remember the big word right now) orchids, some take offense. For myself, the unfortunate part is when someone new comes along, and all of a sudden their thread gets hijacked by the spelling, personification, WHATEVER, that is their particular passion. It disregards the original poster's query.

I can talk about art all day long... that's a damned rough crowd as well. In that case, if someone doesn't know what I mean when I say chiaroscuro, I don't get involved with it. I just move forward. I surely know how to talk about mental illness, which isn't the most simplistic topic either. Won't go there with an example.

In other words... different folks think different things are important. If they get carried away, I see it as a passion they must have. Perhaps not the same as mine. First off... do no harm. Regardless of one's passion.

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

And PS... if you wanna call an orchid Sammie, you'll get no argument from me. Obviously tripped something I'm willing to get up on my soapbox about.
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Old 04-05-2020, 07:00 PM
JScott JScott is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?

Proper nomenclature is important to me. I like the names of orchids written properly, with the genus capitalized and the species in lower case, or in the case of hybrids the grex in capital letters with no punctuation and the clone name in single quotes with capital letters. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on, but I do like to see it done properly. I have mixed feelings about Odontoglossums being Oncidiums now. I think in scientific discourse, we should use the currently accepted names, but in discussion by hobbyists of care and culture, I think the old names can give important information on what conditions the plant needs to thrive, so if we are talking culture and care, I'd rather call a plant an Odontioda than an Oncidium, because just those two names tell me whether I can give that plant what it needs (I can grow the Oncidium. Never the Odontioda haha).

I guess there are probably things I am passionate about the way some people are passionate about being against the personification of Orchids, but I can't think of anything right now. I used to teach Latin and I would get on my soapbox about infinitives, trying to make the kids understand that Latin infinitives are one word, not "to" plus a verb like in English. It would infuriate me when somebody would write "ad amo" ("ad" means to, but it's a motion word. It means to or toward, not "to" as in an English infinitive) trying to make in infinitive, where the correct infinitive is "amare". So I guess I get it. I can't handle improperly formed Latin infinitives, while some people lose their shit when I refer to a plant as if it is a gendered thing.
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Old 04-05-2020, 07:40 PM
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Yep. All one and the same.
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Old 04-05-2020, 08:13 PM
JScott JScott is offline
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Does anybody know what this weed is that is taking over my flower beds?

On to another sudden subject change, I got my Burn Out concentrate today. It sure isn't very concentrated. It was like 20 dollars for a bottle that was enough to make 1 gallon of ready to use product. But I tried it on some particularly noxious grasses which are scarring the front lawn at the moment. I sprayed a few of them with glyphosate, and a few with Burn Out, to do a little experiment and see which works better. If the Burn Out works as good, I don't mind paying more to protect the environment and keep my money out of Monsanto's pocket, but it took me 4 gallons of diluted glyphosate to clear that back flower bed of weeds. That sure would have cost a lot of money if I were using Burn Out at that time instead.
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