Never heard of "hoya" or "wax plants" until now, despite having it for a few years No-ID! It is in bloom now, and around sunset the smell is.. delicious? Aroma is some sort of herb, very familiar, almost like a mix of brownies and gingersnap cookies.
Hi! This is one of my favourite. Hoya multiflora: plant looks likes a lemon plant and it's ridicolously floriferous (multiflora means a lot or flowers, name Is right!) Single flower looks like a spaceship or Little squid. Those drops Is honey and you can eat it. Now it gas 19 flower stems.
The blooming one is Hoya lasiantha, fouth try to bloom. Hoyas want a little air circulation, but too strong air movimento causes loss of blossom.
Hi! This is one of my favourite. Hoya multiflora: plant looks likes a lemon plant and it's ridicolously floriferous (multiflora means a lot or flowers, name Is right!) Single flower looks like a spaceship or Little squid. Those drops Is honey and you can eat it. Now it gas 19 flower stems.
The blooming one is Hoya lasiantha, fouth try to bloom. Hoyas want a little air circulation, but too strong air movimento causes loss of blossom.