P. moranensis steadily throwing flowers. Removed 4 spent flowers thus far, and it has produced four more flowers. A fun plant to work with, and great with trapping fungus gnats.
Your pings are potted in... Bark? I did not know you could do that. Mine are in soil, in a cup w unfertilized water. They bloom constantly and grow like widfire.
Your pings are potted in... Bark? I did not know you could do that. Mine are in soil, in a cup w unfertilized water. They bloom constantly and grow like widfire.
Yep, I can definitely relate to "grow like wildfire".
No bark. Three inch net pots filled 3/4 (from the bottom toward the top of pot) with sphagnum, the other 1/4 (to the top of pot) is a mixture of finely sifted peat & sand with a thin top dressing of small aquarium gravel. Net pot is inserted into a cup holder (made for poker tables - solid no holes). Inside of the cup holder > half full of distilled H2O, and then the net pot is inserted into the cup holder.
*record stop*
There are plants that eat gnats?! Just looked this up, oh my, there's a "gigantica" version. Do they need to be babied?
They really come through for me, and do a good job. Pinguicula gigantea can definitely become a "a big boy" when mature. They are truly butterwort giants.
That's hilarious They actually look like real pretty plants, even when digesting hundreds of bugs.
Is there a reason more people don't grow these at home to help control fungus gnats?
I've found some growing information, but what I'm seeing is that they are indoors only? Expanding search to butterwort suggest there might be some "cold hardy" versions. Not that it gets cold here in southern california
Hmmm. This is fascinating!