Born in Calcutta, India. Why? Guess I was lucky, as My Dear Old Mum was there at the time...
Anyway, Dear Old Dad was an Indian Army officer who was at Singapore when the japs captured it. Never saw my DOD until after the end of WWII, when I was 5.
DOM wanted to go back to Dear Old England while DOD wanted to go to Australia (something to do with the Aussie mentality in POW camps)
So, we ended up in England...At age 22 I applied to go to Australia. May the Lord be praised that I had just one great idea.
Moved over most of Northern Australia, having a fabulous adventure in the 1960s.Worked in road construction in the Kimberlies and Pilbara for 14 years and NSW for 21 years
Retired and chose to live near Mackay, Queensland and just go fishing and tend my garden for the last 21 years...And, loving it!
(Apologies to Maxwell Smart)
My passion, fishing and camping in remote areas.
My home.
Cheers, Bobj.