Helonias bullata
Due to the orchid bog not being ready to plant in time I had to winter a bunch of future residents in a half barrel in my basement. In amongst last year's beat up pitcher of Sarracenia Scarlett Belle this popped. It's Helonias bullata, a federally threatened species with very interrupted distribution along the Atlantic coastal plain from NJ south to VA, and then to even further disjointed habitat in the Appalachians of VA and NC. I obtained it 3 years ago at a plant show from Rare Finds Nursery, one of the few nurseries with the necessary permits to sell these across state lines. Due to the lighting not only am I not able to get a decent pic, but the flower spike semi- aborted, opening at 2"-3" high instead of 2'-3' like it should. However it looks like it's setting seed, which is the important thing. The flower is really striking in person, and the second pic is of a plant ( not mine) photographed in natural sunlight, which shows the true colors. The scent instantly takes me back to Easter as a child, which considering this is a member of the Lily family isn't totally surprising.
Be who you are and say what you think. Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.