I've been noticing some lags lately. I'm debating on moving us to a faster server. This will increase my cost by a huge factor though, so I'm a bit reluctant, esp that OB isn't yet able to pay for that kind of hosting on its own. However, we can't grow with a crappy connection, so it's a bit of a catch 22.
I wanted to ask you how would you rate your connection at OB. Be honest please.
when I switched to a poor internet service provider it was quite slow, and I assumed that it was the animated logo. The performance is fine now that I am back to my old internet
I really don't feel good about begging members for money and I refuse to do it. I did think about offering a 'VIP forum' for supporting members. Of course, if you're a paying member you'd get few other perks too...perhaps, no ads, unlimited space to host photos, unlimited PMs, ability to do do other stuff, etc... I'd feel much better about something like this, where you actually get something in return.... I'm not much of a beggar