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Old 04-18-2009, 12:37 PM
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No apologies necessary, Dave...and no a**-kicking, Niki!

I just love this place and really feel that it's the best place for everybody to learn...and make friends along the way
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Old 04-18-2009, 12:38 PM
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Old 04-19-2009, 02:10 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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Originally Posted by quiltergal View Post
I really thought the social groups were redundant and never really "got" what the intended purpose was that wasn't already covered on the board.

IMO (please don't flame me it's just an opinion) I get tired of answering the same question over and over again. New folks who come here usually have a reason and that reason is usually a question or a problem. They don't understand right away how the board works or how to look for things on their own. So they just post their question. If there was an FAQ section in the beginner forum such as how to repot, when to water and fertilize, why won't my plant bloom etc. then perhaps there would be fewer of those unanswered questions. I for one spend a lot of time repeating the same stuff at work many times a day. I just don't have the energy to do that here too. It's not that I don't want to share, I do, I just wish I didn't have to share the same stuff over and over again. Perhaps there are other long time members besides me who feel the same way......a burned out resource. Could be why there is less traffic on the board and questions left unanswered. End of rant.

At any rate I won't miss the social groups. I don't have time for them anyway. Thanks for asking!

I apologize in advance because I know this is completely off topic. However, I felt the need to respond, as I think I was the one that brought up the issue.

I am a relatively newcomer to this board, and I admit that it and its members have given me more information and growing tips that I have given back. Part of the reason is that I am not an "experienced" grower, and I feel uncomfortable giving advice when I myself don't feel confident enough in my own abilities as an orchid grower.

Having said that, one of the reasons I felt drawn to THIS particular MB, as opposed to the multiple other boards on the internet is that I felt that people were more welcoming and willing to help.

I understand that for the "Oldtimers" answering a watering question, or a light question, etc is like, well chewing and walking at the same time. However, orchid growing for me is a never ending experiment. I'm always worried that I'm giving too much or too little of something. Many plants have fallen victim to my care, and I've learned from that as well. And, I'm always delighted and admittedly surprised when I successfully grow a healthy, and beautiful orchid.

Yes, I have asked questions as rudimentary as those, but before you (the general you) say, "do your own research," or "look it up online or in the old posts" before posting, let me tell you what I do before I post:

1) I research the plant online.
2) I research GENERAL culture information online (from various sources)
3) If I buy a species, I buy the Bakers' culture sheet (I have quite a collection, I must say)
4) I look through the old message board posts and see if someone answered my specific questions.
5) I consult my growing collection of orchid books


5) I post on the board.

Why do I do this? because 1-5 provide me with GENERAL and OPTIMAL culture and growing information, and I am curious as to how "Real world" people grow their orchids. How does Sue or Cookiemonster or Roly grow their Laelia anceps? What is different in their growing conditions and mine? What are the tips and tricks that a culture sheet or book won't tell you? Why can Roly bring back something from the dead and I can't (LOLOLOLOL) How can I adapt mine? What is their overall culture that I can mimic or change to suit my needs? etc.

If I'm looking for an orchid, I don't expect this place to be my. only. source. Believe you me, I am an excellent researcher, and BEFORE I come here and ask a question as to "where can I find that?" I've spent days and days looking to no avail. Maybe someone knows a grower that doesn't advertise but has that plant. Maybe someone is selling a prized division......etc.

Orchid growing for me has been an experience in self-learning and exploration, along with some wonderful tips from experts here at the message board, and if the sentiment from the post above is the prevalent feeling amongst the senior members here, then I guess I need to step it up and educate myself some more. Given the comments above (and not to call out a specific person but the general sentiment of the post itself) I will henceforth keep my "rudimentary" questions to myself, lest someone else has to skip over the annoying question that has been asked a million times in the past.

Thank you Sue, and again, I apologize in advance if this post is inappropriate.
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Old 04-19-2009, 02:17 PM
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Oh please don't apologize...I think that was well written.

I think it sums up what this particular forum is all about

Thank you
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Old 04-19-2009, 02:38 PM
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Just to chime in here with a statistic... I'm not sure that the social groups are hindering forum activity...

February was a killer month for posts, 2nd highest in history of OB with 10,912 posts and March not too shabby either with 10,372 posts. Seems that April won't be too bad either.

just to compare to pre upgrade - December had 8,076 posts and January 9,230 posts
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Old 04-19-2009, 04:35 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Peewee, my whole point was that it's difficult for newcomers to find things here even if they use the search function, which I believe you have just confirmed. For example, yesterday I used the search function and typed in "when to water". I got 500 hits and most of them weren't relevant. Nobody has the time to read through 500 threads that may or may not be relevant to the question to find the answer. My suggestion was to create some basic growing stickies in the beginner forum to make it easier for new folks to find answers to basic questions. If they need more detail, ask away! I surely did not intend to offend anyone. Just trying to make things easier for everyone.
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Old 04-19-2009, 06:27 PM
susiep susiep is offline
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Sue, thanks again for reminding everyone to play nice. If someone is taking the time to post a question, it is an important issue to them and we should respect that. If the question bugs you just don't post an answer and move on to something you care about. There are plenty of people here willing help out a newbie. Just my .
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Old 04-19-2009, 06:37 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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[QUOTE=quiltergal;215698]Peewee, my whole point was that it's difficult for newcomers to find things here even if they use the search function, which I believe you have just confirmed. QUOTE]


It is very easy to use the search function. Sometimes the question isn't answered to my satisfaction, however; which is a totally different issue.
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:45 AM
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I missed this entire thread since I was away on vacation. I'm the odd one out. I really liked the non orchid social groups (which were pretty much the only ones I joined). Usually those posts are all lumped together in Off Topic. The one I'm especially going to miss is the Wild Orchid Hunters. With no where to post in the forums, there's not much about those orchids. I was looking forward to sharing my orchid hunting hikes (which I'll start now), but now they'll have to go into the "fourre-tout" (excuse the french) off topic forum, even though they are orchids!
And I didn't really notice a difference in the forums after the social groups appeared. There were periods of high activity and inactivity, just like was the case before the social groups.

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Old 04-22-2009, 03:22 PM
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Honestly I don't see the point in making social groups about Phals, or Bulbos or any genus that is already covered in the forums. I thought the social groups was a way to get to know people from Orchid board with other interests. Such as other groups of plants, pets, maybe people who like to fly kites. Perhaps we should not get rid of social groups but instead avoid the redundant groups.
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Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

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