photos of hardy Calanthes in-the-ground in US?
I planted a Calanthe sieboldii in the ground back in 2009 in a bright-shaded area under Japanese maples and amidst Epimediums and martagon lilies. It never really did much....never flowered but has lingered on. The Epimediums are spreading a bit too vigorously so, I dug it up this spring, potted it up in my hand-mixed Pleione medium with a bit of extra compost and we'll see if that helps. I'm wondering how successful others have been in the Pacific Northwest with hardy Calanthes. I'm NE of Seattle. I've got a C. 'Kojima Red' from Plant Delights purchased last spring that is really doing well in a pot so that gave me the idea. I'd love to see how others are growing this would help immensely! Thanks!
Last edited by haika; 03-17-2015 at 04:21 PM..