I would give it Eria culture of hot to warm temperature, let it dry before watering. Give it high humidity with good air flow and Cattleya lighting. This orchid plant can grow into a specimen quite fast in a couple of years, but they are not giant=I can still consider them as minis to medium plants.
I compared flowers from JD Hooker drawing from the Swiss Orchid Foundation; the IOSPE photo (with striped petals) and from a picture of a fellow member here that’s got clusters of pure iridescent white shimmering opaque flowers as most of my Eria flowers have. We will see when your plant blooms….
It blooms in winter and loses the leaves in natural habitat but in a confined home environment the leaves remain intact while flowering....there is no rest period since it flowers in winter....meaning it generates its new growth in winter.
Take note that Eria is prone to fungi infestation so give it a spray of 15 drops dish soap, ¼ spoon cinnamon extract and 2 cups tepid water ratio….or Physan 20 to disinfect it once a month.
• Judi gave you the link to Eria spicata
• Here is the IOSPE link to your plant: