Okay, guys, I've really gotten into the jewels by now but I need some things cleared up. I'll list some of the variations I've heard of (maybe I'll post pictures later)- can someone with more experience add to the list, clear up some questions?
The first var.'s a person hears about are the
L. discolor var. Dawsoniana - dark leaves, copper to red veins
L. discolor var. Odina - dark leaves, silver to copper veins
L. discolor var. Nigrescens - dark smaller leaves, one vein
L. discolor var. Alba - green leaves, silver veins
L. discolor var. Thanlania - somewhat dark leaves, web of veins
In addition there's the type form for the species, which is... ?!?!
Now it is my understanding that some firm a few years back launched a short-lived collection of a few trademarked varieties:
'Red Velvet' - Dawsoniana?
'Emerald Velvet' - Alba? Seems to have yellow veins in pictures, though
'Green Velvet' - three veins
'Jasper Velvet' - parallel veins, rounder leaves?
'Silver Velvet' - had some trouble with this one- is it like the 'Green Velvet', but with a white leaf margin, or is it the one with the stronger central vein?
I think I'm missing one or two more "velvets".
Please post what ever plants you've got and what were they labelled as.