Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if this is a proper thing to do, but I have to tell you my future plans....
I have for sale in the classifieds a Laparis viridiflora and it's been relisted for about a half dozen times. I'm not sure why it hasn't been sold by now, as it's definitely
not overpriced!
In about 14 hours, it will relist again. When it does, I will have to split it up as it's, what I think, specimen size and busting at the seams for a repotting. As is, this plant has
10 sheathes that I can see something developing within. It's going to be an absolute beauty when it blooms! I have only a $15 price on this whole beautiful plant!!!! Once I split it, I will ask $15 for each plant. It will probably be relisted again and again....who knows.

I will make about three plants from this one. So if anyone wants it in it's entirety, you only have until tomorrow before I break up this gorgeous plant into smaller portions.