Originally Posted by phearamedusa
Does anyone have this jewel? What does the flower look like? Kind of hard to tell from teeny insert. And, final question, what is the best conditions for it? I have several other jewels can I just grow it the same way. I just couldn't resist the leaves.
cyclopon should be cyclopogon
I have one (lindleyanum) and a couple of other kinds of cyclopogon and they do nicely. I grow mine in a mix that is 50-60% potting "soil-less mix", the rest coco husk, charcoal, diatomite (all
fine in size). I keep it on a lower shelf, fairly shady, but when it starts to bloom I sometimes move it up to a sunnier spot and it doesn't seem to mind. Temperatures warm-intermediate. I water about the same as my phal's (but the mix I use
will retain more water than "orchid mixes").
For me they are very good growers, and I get the impression they are a fairly hardy plant. Your plant should multiply (offshoots forming a clump) quickly. the blooms are really innocuous (sp?) but mine sends up 20 or more spikes, so it looks good enough. I grow it for the foliage not the bloom.
Good luck with yours.