Originally Posted by dgenovese1
Hi Kiki,
I'm not familiar with this one...well, maybe a little bit now.
In any case, it is a very healthy looking plant, and it reminds me of my Eria stellata a little. The blooms are so tiny! Have you had a chance to measure them?
No, I can't even see the individual blooms without looking through a magnifying glass.

It's still in bloom, some are going by, and some more are still coming on. It's quite a pretty plant. If you just touch or move the blooms that are going by, it's like little tiny snowflakes falling all over the place. I also have new spikes shooting up all around the older spikes, so it is quite a rapid grower (very unusual for an orchid, huh?)
If you want me to take another picture tomorrow, just say the word. I've been really impressed at how long the blooms have lasted. I had this one up for sale when it first went into bloom and while the weather was doable to ship, but glad no one bought it. I think I'll keep this guy.
Utah, I would research if this plant likes to be rootbound or not. Seems to me I read they like that, but can't remember where.

I wouldn't put it into a large basket until I knew for certain. Just my