Do you usually pull the tubers out of the pot for their dormant period?
If you do, this one I'd put back into medium, perhaps water very lightly (maybe once a week just a bit) for another month or so...lf it wants to sprout it will, but it won't be enough water to rot it if that isn't what it is "thinking" of doing. This one has a huge range, and some of the places that it comes from get rain this time of year. Curious... did it bloom? Looking at some of the more northern countries that it can come from, I could see it not even coming up until around now.
One of the things that I have learned about terrestrials in general... "dormant" does not necessarily mean "totally dry". The true Mediterranean ones (like from North Africa, Greece, Turkey, etc) do experience a truly dry summer. But as you go into central and more northern Europe, spring comes later, and rain in summer is not uncommon. So the native orchids have clearly evolved to deal with that. Whether they sprout or not, those more northern ones don't die if they get wet. (I don't grow those, since I suspect they also need winter cold which I can't provide... I stick to the more southern "real Mediterranean" ones that fit right in with my climate)
Last edited by Roberta; 05-08-2022 at 10:41 PM..