BB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with.
They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does,
but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing.
The ability to use BB code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator,
so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message.
Below is a list of the BB code tags you can use to format your messages.
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Example Usage
[url=]Orchid Board - Most Complete Orchid Forum on the web ![/url]
The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the [*] tag.
Example Usage
[list] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list]
Example Output
list item 1
list item 2
Advanced Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list).
Example Usage
[list=1] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list]
[list=a] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list]
Example Output
list item 1
list item 2
list item 1
list item 2
The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to make images become links.
The [php] tag performs the same function as the [code] tag, but also adds syntax highlighting for PHP code. Although it is designed for PHP, it may correctly highlight some other C-like languages.
[quote]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
[quote=John Doe;1028376]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
Example Output
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Originally Posted by John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Originally Posted by John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Stop BB Code Parsing
The [noparse] tag allows you to stop the parsing of BB code.
Example Usage
[noparse][b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b][/noparse]
Example Output
[b]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/b]
The [attach] tag allows you to display an attachment in your post rather than at the bottom. It will only display attachments that belong to the post in which it is utilized.
Example Usage
Example Output
Attachment Caption
This code allows you to add captions to your attachment images. When your attachments are clicked, they will have this caption below the large image in the pop-out window.
You use them so [attcap=1234] where 1234 = the attachment id, you can see the attachment id by hovering over the attachment and making a note of the URL it links to, it will include "attachmentid=".
Or, if you're using inline attachments, the number between [ATTACH][/ATTACH] is the one you want.
You may use bbcode such as [b] bold and [i] itallic to format your caption text.
Example Usage
[attcap=1234]My Blooming Orchid[/attcap]
Example Output
My Blooming Orchid
Devil Sign
Wrap your text with a devil smiley for those evil thoughts.
Example Usage
[evil]He's so evil![/evil]
Example Output
He's so evil!
Example Usage
[float=left]text here[/float]
Example Output
[float=left]text here[/float]
Float left
Float text or image to the left. Especially useful for images as it will wrap text around them
Example Usage
[floatleft]some text[/floatleft]
Example Output
some text
Float right
This will align any text or image to the right. Ideal for placing images on the right and wrapping text around them.
Example Usage
[floatright]Some text[/floatright]
Example Output
Some text
Image Left
Align anything and wrap text around it. Perfect for pictures
Example Usage
Example Output
This code will full justify your text
Example Usage
[justify]Text to be justified goes here[/justify]
Example Output
Text to be justified goes here
Wrap your text with a cynical looking smiley holding a sign.